We are the division that prepares students with the knowledge, 技能, and professional traits necessary to become competent, 富有同情心的, and contributing professionals in the fields served by our programs in 美国手语/Deaf Studies, 实际的护理, Emergency Medical Technician, 健康科学, Paramedic and Physical Therapist Assistant.
These programs lead to positions where communication, competence and compassion are essential. Our students have the opportunity to interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds and in different settings. All of the programs are either externally or 状态 accredited, or recognized for their high quality curriculum. Upon licensure or certification, graduates of the allied sciences are able to assume positions in acute, long term and other community-based agencies.
本科提供AS服务, AAS and Certificate programs in a variety of health and communication based programs. Below you will find a link to our programs of study. It is our goal to assist you in being successful in entering the profession of your choice.
Click the links below to view all Allied Science and 护理学位.
Public Notice of Pre-认证 Status
The 实际的护理 Program at UCNJ has received accreditation from the NJ Board of Nursing and from the National League for Nursing NLN Commission for Nursing Education and 认证.
Applicants and current students may contact the Board of Nursing and/or CNEA with inquiries or concerns regarding the nursing program at the:
New Jersey Board of Nursing
(973) 504-6430
http://www.状态.nj.我们的有限合伙人/ ca /医疗/护理.htm
The program is accredited by the National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education 认证 (NLN CNEA) effective 2019-2025. This is an optional accreditation that recognizes the program’s “ability to meet or exceed standards and criteria for educational quality”.
2600 Virginia Avenue, NW | Eighth Floor
Washington, DC 20037 | 800-669-1656